Friday, December 11, 2015


I'm going out with a girl. Her name is Carmen. I've known her since I was two. We went to the center together. We also went to middle school and high school. I went out with her off and on last time. I went out with her in '92. I don't remember what happened. But years later I went out with a lot of girls after that but that was the past. Now I'm going out with her again. We've been together for two months now. I'm hoping it will last a long time. She's the love of my life. I love her a lot and she saved me. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I'm going to see Poltergeist. This one might be scarier than the original one. I've seen a lot of remakes, like Halloween I and II, Friday the 13th, The Shining, etc. House of Wax. I wonder if they will remake Poltergeist 2 and 3. It could happen.

- Jason

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dukes of Hazzard

I watched The Dukes of Hazzard from time to time. It's a great show. I've been watching it ever since I was a kid. It used to come on Saturday mornings. Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane, a.k.a. James Best, was a great actor. He will be missed as well as Denver Pyle, Sorrel Brooks, etc. They were also in The Dukes of Hazzard. Sorrel Brooks was Boss Hogg. Denver Pyle was Uncle Jesse. I've even seen The Dukes of Hazzard movie, starring Johnny Knox and Sean William Scot, Willie Nelson, etc. Funny movie. Johnny Know was hilarious. I have The Dukes of Hazzard ringtone. That will be my ringtone in memory of James Best and all the others.


Monday, March 9, 2015

My new job at MVRA

I am so happy to have an new job at Back Bay Connections and I will be cleaning for MVRA Back Bay Connections. I can't wait to start, I’m ready. I want to start making money. Tara will help me to get started!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blaine the Rocker

I am a singer; I am a rock star. I am a rock star; I'm going to sing into the microphone. I use a harmonica. Brian is my manager. Brian is going to help me sing Guns and Roses. He taught me to count the beats. One two three four. We play electric guitars and keyboard at my house. We play acoustic guitars in the office. Maybe the wooden drum thing, too. We also hang out. We went to Guitar Center. Brian played a song on a keyboard there. I sing in the microphones.